Release Date

JEFFERSON CITY, MO, MARCH 26, 2021 - The Missouri Department of Natural Resources issued a construction permit to Cass County Waste Transfer, LLC to construct a solid waste processing facility in Cass County.

Known as the Cass County Transfer Station, the processing facility will be used for waste collection and for public vehicles to unload permitted solid waste and collectables. The waste will then be transported out of the facility via transfer trailers.

The site is to be located at 2701 S. Brickplant Road, south of the intersection of Brickplant Road and Brookhart Drive, in Harrisonville. The general legal description of the site is SW ¼, SE ¼, SE ¼ of Section 5, Township 44 North, Range 31 West, 38 degrees, 38 minutes, 2.421 seconds north latitude and 94 degrees, 21 minutes, 38.6446 seconds west longitude in the city of Harrisonville

The department reviews all applications submitted by cities, counties and private owners to ensure solid waste processing facilities are properly designed and constructed. Other technical factors that protect Missouri’s environment are also examined. Prior to acceptance of waste at the facility, an operating permit must be issued.

Questions and comments regarding the proposed transfer station or the department's role in regulating solid waste processing facilities may be sent to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Waste Management Program, P.O. Box 176, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0176, or by phone to Darrell G. Hartley, P.E., Chief, Permits Unit, at 800-361-4827 or 573-526-4754.

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