Discover the world of archaeology at Archaeology Day from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Sept. 10 at Graham Cave State Park near Danville. The free event will feature a variety of activities throughout the park.
Members of the Missouri Atlatl Association will demonstrate how the ancient spear thrower called the atlatl is made, and then visitors can test their skills using it. Participants can learn about Missouri mammals and their fur pelts and watch demonstrations about flintknapping and deer bone fish hooks. A Missouri State Parks archaeologist will talk about preservation efforts at Graham Cave and there will be a collection of historical pictures and artifacts from early excavations of the cave. Children can enjoy a variety of activities, including archaeology-related activity sheets.
Graham Cave State Park is located west of Danville off Interstate 70 (Exit 170) at Hwy. TT. For more information about the event, call the park at 573-564-3476. Missouri State Parks is supported by the one-tenth of one-percent Parks, Soils and Water Sales Tax, which accounts for approximately 75 percent of the budget to repair, improve and maintain state parks and historic sites. Missouri State Parks is a division of the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.
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