The Air Pollution Control Program strives to maintain and improve the quality of Missouri's air to protect public health, general welfare and the environment. This program is responsible for carrying out the Missouri Air Conservation Law (Chapter 643, RSMo). The state also maintains delegation for implementing specific portions of the federal Clean Air Act through various state implementation plans developed by the program and approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The program reports to the Missouri Air Conservation Commission and the Division of Environmental Quality.
The program provides:
- air quality reports, online permit information
- works with the general public, stakeholders and the regulated community to comply with state and federal air quality regulations; researches, develops and implements control strategies to improve and maintain healthy air quality
- conducts site inspections and oversees the testing of emission sources, asbestos removal, gasoline vapor recovery equipment, open burning and other sources of air pollution
- helps design and coordinate the air-monitoring network
- evaluates monitoring data
- oversees the Gateway Vehicle Inspection Program, which is the vehicle inspection and maintenance program for the St. Louis nonattainment area
Meet the Director - Stephen Hall

Steve Hall became director of the Air Pollution Control Program on Aug. 25, 2021. He oversees approximately 100 full-time team members whose duties range from permit writing and rulemaking to evaluating emissions and helping stakeholders comply with their permits.
Stephen has worked for the department for 20 years and for the Air Program for the last 10 years. Most recently, he served as the chief of the program's Air Quality Analysis Section. Before working for the State of Missouri, Stephen taught high school Algebra I and Physics. Stephen holds a Master's of Business Administration from Franklin Pierce College, Rindge NH, with undergraduate double majors in Physics and Mathematics from Gordon College, Wenham, MA.